How to Add QR Codes to Your Ad Placements

What You Will Learn
Understand the purpose of QR Codes for your Ad placements. Learn How to Create an Ad Credit.

Add QR codes to your ad placements to incentivize new business

With AD credits, your business can put QR codes directly into your ads to incentivize new business, grow your subscriber list, and track the effectiveness of your advertising (A.K.A. Closed Loop Marketing).

Track the effectiveness of your print, web, and television advertisements by giving your customers a redeemable item of value in the form of a QR code.

By attaching a QR code to your advertisements, you’ll be able to view every time a customer scans the barcode with their smartphone, providing you with valuable insight into the ads that are working best for your business. This allows you to reduce wasteful spending since you can focus your efforts on the channels that are working best.

Pro tip: By providing customers with a redeemable item of value (e.g. a 10% discount), you’ll be encouraging them to make a purchase, and as a result, you will be converting a “visitor” into a “customer”, which provides your business with valuable information for future retargeting.

From this page, you can create, manage, and review the history of your ad campaigns.

  1. Click Motivate Customers
  2. Select New Customers then choose Click Ad Credits

Steps to Create an Ad Credit.

  1. Fill out the items required.
  • Title: Title of the Ad Credit QR you wanted to create
  • Payment Design: Design that you wish to select
  • Maximum # of Uses: Max number of attempts for the Ad Credit to be used
  • Discount Value: Value of Discount wished to be applied
  • Select the Type: Percent or Amount of Discount


  1. Click Create and See a Preview of the created Ad Credit.