Acquiring Subscribers Using Promo Codes
What You Will Learn
Understand the importance of the Promo Codes feature of Wallet in earning your subscribers.
Why Promo Codes Work?
Do promo codes boost sales, you might be wondering. In essence, they do. Promotion codes encourage buyers, particularly if they are on the fence about buying anything.
Because they make customers feel valued, coupon codes are effective. They get the impression that they are receiving an exclusive offer that no one else is aware of. As you can see, it has a strong psychological influence. Let’s say your promo code method works well for you. In that situation, you’ll discover that maximizing the use of your coupon codes results in effective strategies.
Why You Should Use Promo Codes Not Only for Customer Purchases but for Subscriber Acquisition?
Not all time a person would like to give out their personal information or even subscribe to your business without anything in return, of course, that is the reason why promo codes could be an essential tool for your business to acquire subscribers.
Here’s a Guide on How You Can Use Promo Codes From your Wallet to Acquire Subscribers, Visitors & Customers.
Turning Your Visitors into Subscribers by using promo codes as perks
- Create a Promo Code from your Wallet Admin Portal. (For example: subscribe and take advantage of this special promo code for you to take 5% off some products )
- Use these Promo Code as advertisements in-store to encourage your visitors to subscribe to your business. Give them the impression that being a subscriber has some perks!
Promo Codes As A Monthly Perk for a Regular Customer
Imagine having a promo code available only once a month, creating the sense of urgency that the customers should always take advantage of this promo code hence this customer will be encouraged to go back to your store regularly.