How to Remove the Wallet Logo from Your Personalized Wallet

How to Remove the Wallet Logo from Your Personalized Wallet

Powered by Wallet

If you’re on a free plan with Wallet, you might notice a small “Powered by Wallet” logo at the bottom of your navigation bar. This logo serves as a reminder of the free tier you’re currently on. However, if you’ve been considering upgrading to a premium plan and want to remove this logo, here’s what you need to know.

The “Powered by Wallet” logo is automatically removed once you upgrade to a paid plan, even if it’s the lowest tier of our premium offerings. This means that as soon as you switch to a paid plan, the logo will vanish from your personalized Wallet interface, giving it a sleeker and more professional appearance.

Why does the logo disappear on paid plans? Well, our premium plans offer a range of enhanced features and benefits that are well worth the investment. We understand that branding matters, especially when you’re using Wallet for professional or business purposes. Removing the logo is just one of the many perks you’ll enjoy when you upgrade.

So, if you’re tired of seeing the “Powered by Wallet” logo and want to give your Wallet a more polished look, it’s time to consider upgrading to one of our premium plans. Not only will you unlock advanced features and functionalities, but you’ll also enjoy an ad-free experience with no logos cluttering your interface.

Ready to upgrade? Simply navigate to your account settings and explore our premium plans to find the one that best suits your needs. Once you’ve upgraded, say goodbye to the “Powered by Wallet” logo and hello to a more professional Wallet experience.

If you have any questions about upgrading or removing the logo, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help you every step of the way on your Wallet journey.

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